• 望远镜
  • 夜视仪
  • 瞄准镜
  • 稳像仪
  • 放大镜
  • 热成像仪
  • 显微镜
  • 测距仪
  • 摄影器材
  • 特种眼镜


价格:¥1370.00    加入购物车 加入收藏
简介:国和白俄罗斯合资的YUKON生产,特别设计极为方便实用的镜头盖,快装的背带设计,广角大视野设计使其广泛适用于观鸟,野营探险等户外活动。是YUKON同系列望远镜中的新品,8-24连续变倍设计,方便的变焦轮和调焦轮并排,非常方便操作。 尤肯变倍望远镜8-24X50


育 空8-24x50 这是一款变焦多功能望远镜,结合了不同倍率望远镜的优点,用途广泛比如:观看体育比赛、在山中空地观景、狩猎都可使用,同时也可作为射击观靶镜观看射击成 绩等。

   这款望远镜采用精密的变焦设计,当进行变倍选择时双筒望远镜的左右眼是平等增加的,所以长时间使用优肯8-24x50望远镜眼睛也不会感觉疲劳, 除此之外,这款产品的精密设计也保证观测时的牢固性和稳定性。此款望远镜的外观设计采用金属橡胶材质,具有防滑性,密封性特别好防止沙尘。

品牌 育空(YUKON)
型号: yukon8-24X50变倍望远镜
结构: 双筒望远镜
眼杯: 固定
放大倍率: 变倍
口径: 50mm
调焦方式 :中间调焦
镀膜: 蓝膜
屈光度调节方式 :单目调
三脚架接口: 有
三角架型号: 1/4
出瞳直径 :6.25-2.08mm
视场角度: 4.4-2.2°
视野 :70m/1000米处
棱镜系统: 保罗
防滑设计 :有
工作温度 :-30┅+40℃
标准附件: 包、背带、目镜盖、说明书
外型尺寸 :197x215x70mm
产品重量: 1.1kg


Futurus binoculars. Stereoscopic image
Based on Porro prism optical scheme, the Futurus binoculars feature compact dimensions. A wide space between optical axes of the right and left optical channels provides better three-dimensionality as compared with binoculars designed on other optical schemes.
Eclipse™ lens caps
The Eclipse™ lens caps are incorporated in the Futurus' protective rubber armor body to prevent their loss. The objective lens caps can be thrown back on the binoculars' body, fitting closely on it without disturbing observation. The lens caps rotate for 360 degrees about the optical axis. The cap can be fixed in open position inside of the body between the optical channels.
Water-resistant body
The Futurus binocular's body is made of shockproof carbon-filled plastic featuring mechanical stability. The binoculars’ body is rubber armored, lightweight and compact and guarantees comfortable grip. Moving parts of the binoculars, joints, lens locations have extra moisture protection. Thanks to the IPX4 degree of protection (IEC 60529 standard), the Futurus Pro binoculars can be operated in atmospheric precipitation. 
Type of Optical System Porro
Magnification, x 8 - 24
Lens diameter, mm 50
Field of View, degree 4 - 2.2
Eye Relief, mm 15
Exit Pupil, mm 6.25 - 2.08
Diopter adjustment, dptr. ±4
Operating Temperature, °C -15 ... +40
Tripod Mount, inch 1/4
Dimensions, mm 197x217x70
Weight, kg 1.1